Click Below to Explore All the Flashcard Sets
- Art Appreciation Week 6: 15th & 16th Century Art of Europe
- Class #17: Art of Europe and America (1700-1900)
- Chp 2-3: Baroque/Rococo & Neoclassicism/Romanticism
- Art Appreciation: 3.7 - Art of Europe & America (1700 - 1865): Rococo to Romanticism
- 3.7 Art of Europe & America
- 3.7 Art of Europe and America
- Baroque Art I: Characteristics of Art and Architecture
- Art I: Baroque Art I: Characteristics of Art and Architecture Practice
- Baroque Art II: Italy and Spain
- Baroque Art III: The Dutch Republic
- Unit 1 : Unit 1: From Baroque to Romantic
- Baroque Art IV: France and England
- Baroque Art IV: France and England
- Italian Baroque Art
- Northern European Baroque Art
- Art Impressionism
- Art History: Baroque Art II: Italy and Spain
- Baroque Art II: Italy and Spain Quiz
- Baroque Art II: Italy and Spain
- UIL ART 2019/2020
- Baroque Art III & IV
- Baroque Art III: The Dutch Republic
- Art History: Baroque Art I: Characteristics of Art and Architecture
- Baroque Art IV: France and England
- Art History, Online
- Baroque Art I: Characteristics of Art and Architecture
- Art History Chapter 17
- Baroque Art IV: France and England
- UIL Art 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 Title or Artist and image Flash Cards
- Art Appreciation 1030 Chapter 17
- Chapter 23 - Seventeenth-Century Art in Europe
- Chapter 17: The 17th and 18th Centuries
- Art History I: Baroque Art III: The Dutch Republic Practice
- CHapter 17 Art 111 Quiz
- Baroque art - characteristics, artwork