Mr. Murakami leaves written notes with motivational quotes for his students by writing them on paper and leaving them in different locations in his classroom. Occasionally his students will claim they didn’t get a note or admit that they lost it. What can he do to overcome this issue and still send these motivational messages.

Use Hangouts to video call his students when he needs to talk to them urgently outside of school hours Use

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Mr. Brigham is the principal at the large school and receives an overwhelming volume of emails from teachers, support staff, students, parents, and the school district governors. He often struggles to find important emails quickly. How can he use the search function in Gmail to locate emails more efficiently?

Search for emails containing hyperlinks Search for keywords within emails Filter emails by word count Filter emails that have attachments

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Mr. Bentley finds it easy to use Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides in his classroom as they are very similar to other programs he’s used in the past. He overhears his colleague Ms. Bernard talk about using Google Forms as well, but isn’t sure how it’s relevant in a school environment. Which of the following are relevant uses for Google Forms in education?

Designing a logo for a school football team Surveys for collecting data for group projects Gathering feedback on field trips

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Mr. Hoffman is using Google Slides to introduce a new class project. He wants to embed and link to Docs, Forms and Drawings in order to make his slides more interactive. Use drag and drop to match the Google App with a way that it can be used within slides to encourage student participation.

Google Docs Suggestion notepad Additional reference material Google Forms Gauge understanding Rate the content that is being presented Google Drawings

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