Baroque Art III: The Dutch Republic

Why was this painting originally called, “The Night Watch”?
—Before the painting was restored it had a dense layer of grime, deep and darkened varnish, and dark architectural background, so many believed it to be a depiction of night

Who painted the image above?

How did the artist add drama to the image above?
—He added some unnecessary but colorful characters.

Where did Peter Paul Rubens get most of his inspiration for the image below?
—Italian Baroque masters and the Flemish tradition

Which of the following characteristics of Rubens came from his influences?
—all of the above

The Dutch were so proud of the painting below that they _____________________.
—presented it to the French queen Marie de’ Medici

What trick of Rubens did Van Dyck include in the above painting?
—He enhances the stature of Charles I. If you look closely, you can see that he is taller than his pages and his horse.

Which of the artist’s skills are best represented in the piece above?
—his skill at transparencies and reflections

What type of painting is Anthony van Dyck most famous for?
—Royal portraiture

How did Rubens alter the future of Baroque art?
—He combined Flemish and Baroque styles, making his painting synonymous with Flemish Baroque.

What were Rembrandt’s pieces characterized by?
—naturalism and extreme drama

Who is the artist of the image above?
—Anthony van Dyck

Which of these artists was one of the first Dutch still life painters?
—Pieter Claesz

What are some of the Flemish and Dutch traditions the artist used in the image above?
—maximum contrast of textures within a color scheme of white, grays, and browns

What is vanitas?
—reminds the viewer of the transience of life and material possessions

What is the theme of the piece above?
—the inevitable passage of time and the fleeting life of human beings

What does the famous painting above showcase?
—characteristics of Baroque art in Flanders and the Dutch Republic

What technique did the artist of the above image adopt from Rubens?
—attention to texture and detail

What techniques did the artist of the above image use that emphasized the Baroque style?
—sharp diagonal composition and deep tenebrism

Who painted the image above?
—peter paul rubens

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