Baroque Art I: Characteristics of Art and Architecture

Which of the following statements is a true comparison of the two sculptures of David pictured below?
—The openness of the composition of Michelangelo’s David allows for space that draws the viewer in, and the emotion in Bernini’s David displays the energy of the action and forces the viewer into the event.

What is the name of the building pictured above?
—Church of San Fontane

Who was the architect of the church seen above?

Which of the following best describes some of the most important characteristics of Baroque art?
—dramatic, exuberant, ornate

How do the compositions of Baroque art compare to those of other periods?
—The figures include pattern and detail in a centralized location.

When did French Baroque architecture reach its peak?
—during the rule of Louis XVI

How does the church seen above represent an example of Baroque architecture?
—the proportion of the facade creates dramatic light and dark contrast

Which of the following best describes some of the most important characteristics of Baroque art?
—dramatic, exuberant, ornate

Who is pictured in the image above, which contains characteristics of Baroque art?
—Louis XIV

In Baroque art, the artists intend for the viewer to examine the _________ aspects instead of the _____________ aspects of their work.
—emotional; intellectual

Who painted the classical Baroque portrait above?
—Hyacinthe Rigaud

Which of the following techniques was not introduced during the Baroque Period?

What is pictured above?
—Palace of Versailles

What traditional Baroque characteristics can you identify in the piece above?
—NOT open composition
—NOT diagonal composition                                                                                                                                                              —All of the above (?)

Which artist painted the image above?
—Juan Sánchez Cotán

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